Adding or updating your nameservers on GoDaddy

This video shows how to change your domain name servers, so that the right server can serve your pages.

It is often the case that the clients who I develop websites for will buy their domain name from GoDaddy.

GoDaddy is the domain registra where we buy a human friendly web address from. From there you can host your website with them or host it else where. If you host it elsewhere you'll have to change what they call the "Name Servers". Jargon aside, this tells GoDaddy what servers are responsible for hosting your website. 

So someone will request The request will go to GoDaddy and they will route the request to the server that hosts the website. This part happens in the background, so the visitor will only see in their browser. 

It is highly recommended to use different companies to be your registra and then provide hosting. This way you always hold one of two keys to the website.

Fall out with your hosting company, you just change the names servers to point to your new host.

Fall out with your registra, you just change registra's and transfer the domain name to them. As soon as the switch as happened, hardly anyone will notice. 

This video shows how you go about adding or changing the name-servers on GoDaddy.

The "Name servers" for hosting your website with us are: 

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